Best Double Baby Stroller Reviews: Side-By-Side

If your friends have warned you twins are double trouble, you might find choosing the best stroller to accommodate them one of the most challenging things imaginable…

Until that is, you work your way through these best double baby stroller reviews where we’ve done all the hard work for you. While there are almost a bewildering number of options at your disposal, that breadth of choice is part of the problem…

Which strollers are actually any good and which would simply be a waste of money?

Read on to find out.

We’ll jump straight to it and today’s focus is purely on side-by-side models enabling both your bundles of joy to enjoy an uninterrupted view rather than one babysat sadly alone with the other staring at the back of a seat.

5 Best Double Side-By-Side Baby Stroller Reviews

Kicking off our double baby stroller reviews, we’ve got the first of 5 superb side-by-side models. We’ll look at some other configurations of these double strollers over the coming weeks but today our focus is purely on those allowing your precious charges to ride next to each other.

What is the latest price for this seat?

While this can hardly be termed a cheap stroller, it’s still pretty solid value if you consider the expected lifespan and build quality. You’ll be able to push a combined weight of up to 100 pounds so the Mini GT is good for toddlers up to 4 years old, size dependent.

To avoid doubling up and to make comparisons easier for you, we’ve limited our snapshot of the main features to a few key metrics. We keep these constant throughout our stroller reviews so we can make it easier for you to compare them like-for-like at a glance.


  • Weight: 32 ½ pounds
  • Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 11 ¼ inches
  • Maximum Recommended Weight: 100 pounds
  • Age Range: 3 months and above
  • Brake: Hand-operated parking brake

A number of reviews label this stroller average but we’d have to disagree. While it might not be the most expensive that money can buy, not everyone wants that. Although it has a few minor drawbacks, what product of any description doesn’t? As always, we’ll highlight any downsides openly and honestly based on our combined experience and anything we pick up from readers or our detailed research process. This translates into frank, unbiased reviews and a streamlined buying decision for you.

On that note, we’ll launch in with a slight negative! This is hand operated in contrast to the foot brake standard on most strollers. You might read elsewhere that you’ll injure your feet if you try hitting the brake with flip-flops on and that’s no surprise. One issue is that this brake is not housed on the handlebar but rather underneath and to the right-hand side of the canopy. Overall, though, braking is solid and efficient and it’s still within relatively easy reach so think carefully about this to avoid any broken toenails or nasty surprises!

Rubber wheels allow you to head off-road on occasion while the front suspension gives a pretty cushioned ride. While it’s absolutely not a jogger stroller – read our recent study

You can rake the handlebar through a range of height settings making this ideal for most parents. There’s no foam which might mean you take a slight on comfort but it gives you much more durability. While it’s reasonably maneuverable, it’s not the nimblest stroller so if you know you’ll spend lots of time darting around tight city streets, you might want to look at one of the other models we review.

One of the key selling points of the Mini GT is the ease with which you can fold and unfold it. This makes it ideal for anyone with hectic schedule and no inclination to waste time with fiddly straps. Just yank off the safety straps, lift the fabric handle in the middle of the seat and you can break the pram down. You will need both hands but this is hardly a deal-breaker. The stroller will self-stand when folded and due to the lightweight nature of this model, it’s pretty easy to carry and lift.

The Mini GT falls down on the storage front, though. The bin could charitably be described as medium-sized and access is a pain from any angle. The 10-pound maximum capacity will leave you little room for much more than a small bag and some diapers so if you go out fully loaded, you might want to rethink. There are a couple mesh pockets, one on the back of each seat but we’re still underwhelmed by how much you can stash given you’ll have two kids in tow.

A pair of five-point safety harnesses can be tweaked through 4 height settings across a 5-inch range. The crotch strap is also adjustable so you can combine comfort with safety. It’s pretty user-friendly, too.

While the seat is nicely padded and comes with a leg rest, this is fixed so not ideal for restless toddlers and not the best when your babies want to snuggle up and sleep. The seat reclines down to an angle of 36 degrees so it’s no lie-flat bed either. Overall, though, your beloved bundles of joy should find this pram perfectly comfortable.

Seats come with separate canopies and they can be manipulated independently. The viewing windows have simple hook-and-loop closures and you can furl them upward for increased ventilation.

Take a quick glimpse now at a summary of the chief advantages and drawbacks of this superb double stroller before we deliver our impartial verdict…

  • Multipurpose stroller equally at home on slick city streets or the occasional foray on bumpy off-road terrain
  • Compact and a cinch to fold and lift while surprisingly lightweight for a double stroller
  • Excellent independent canopies on seats with UV protection rated at 50+ along with the requisite windows
  • Padded seats to ensure your twins ride in cushioned comfort
  • Decent recline although you won’t be able to get the seat fully flat so unsuitable for newborns
  • Relatively awkward to maneuver but then pushing twins is never easy at the best of times!
  • Can be tough to keep the stroller on track


Don’t believe the backlash: despite a few fairly minor flaws, the Baby Jogger Mini GT is a mid-priced double stroller that punches dramatically above its weight.

If you’re looking for a durable and affordable side-by-side stroller and you’re not prepared to compromise on build quality but can overlook a dip in maneuverability along with disappointing storage, we can’t recommend this pram highly enough. As always, it’s prudent to physically test the stroller if at all possible even if you plan to purchase online.

Next up in our best double baby stroller reviews is the nifty Scooter X2 from industry heavyweight Joovy. Perhaps the key selling point of this pram is its almost unbeatable price tag. Is it any good, though, or is it a case of buy cheap and buy twice? Check out the core features at a glance before we give you the lowdown and let you make your own mind up…

What is the latest price for this seat?


  • Weight: 32 pounds
  • Dimensions: 41 ¾ x 30 x 32 ¼ inches
  • Maximum Recommended Weight: 90 pounds
  • Age Range: 3 months and above
  • Brake: Sandal-friendly single-action foot brake

There’s no doubt at all the Joovy is the best cheap double stroller we came across offering a winning combination of build quality, maneuverability and longevity in one attractive package.

We often lead off with a negative for the simple reason certain factors can blow the deal for any mom. We don’t want you to waste time scouring through detailed reviews only to find at the end something that would queer the purchase for you. Even worse, withholding that information only for you to waste your money along with your time. To this end, if you need an all-terrain stroller, scroll down to our next reviewed model since the Joovy is only cut out for even and smooth surfaces. If you plan to wheel your babies around the town or city, though, this pram acquits itself admirably when the going’s good.

The padded seats rake back into a decent recline and you can move each one so your twins are not forced into the same position. The recline is sufficient for a solid nap but not completely flat. Levers on the side help you to fine-tune the leg rests too so your babies can kick back in comfort.

Although the oversized wheels are a distinct step up from the outgoing model, we can’t say this is the most maneuverable pram at your disposal. Think about your intended usage and if you need to zip in and out of shops on crowded streets, this is probably not the right stroller for you. If, on the other hand, you’ll be taking a gentler stroll on paved streets without the need to turn on a dime, you’ll find the Scooter X2 more than fit for purpose. In our eyes, it’s the pair of reasonably poor front wheels to blame here. You can lock them when you need to surge forwards in a straight line but the design itself is the issue.

Reasonably lightweight, you can push a combined weight of up to 90 pounds without feeling overly burdened. You can pop in and out of most normal doorways without scraping your knuckles and you should be able to lift and carry the stroller without straining yourself.

The safety harness performs its role capably, but adjustment is tasky since you need to feed one strap at a time. Height can be adjusted through 3 settings while the crotch is fixed in support is fixed with just a little play on the strap for flexibility’s sake.

Set-up could be far easier. The guide is incomplete which is inexcusable – we’re talking missing steps in the Quick Start section – and you’ll need a good 10 minutes to get up and running. This is not enough to put most people off this pram but it certainly bears pointing out in case you thought you’d get going straight out the box.

The canopy is generously sized but you won’t be able to adjust it to suit the varying needs of your twins which is poor. That said, it’s just about the largest canopy in-class and you’ll get all the protection you need alongside excellent ventilation.

Joovy delivers on the storage front but with a few minor niggles. The bin is extra-wide and good for a large bag of diapers but the 5-pound weight limit is a poke in the eye. Access could also be improved and it’s downright awkward with the seat reclined. This lack of capacity is to some extent mitigated by several mesh pockets catering for you and you babies. If you like the idea of some added storage, go for the variant packing a tray and you can cover all bases.

Single-action brakes are efficient and you’ll be able to use them even if you’re wearing sandals or flip flops.

Take a quick look at where the Joovy Scooter X2 stands and falls before we round out with our verdict…

  • Despite giving you enough room for your twins, the stroller is designed to fit through standard doorways
  • Moves quickly and easily on smooth surfaces so perfect for use in the city
  • Protect your charges completely from all winds and weather thanks to the generous and effective canopy
  • Available with or without a tray so tailor to your precise needs rather than settling for something you don’t want or missing out on something you do
  • Each seat reclines independently and you can also tweak the footrests separately giving your twins the customized ride they deserve
  • Absolutely not an all-terrain stroller but you can’t expect the earth at this price-point
  • Cannot adjust the canopy to the needs of both your twins so bear this in mind


When you’re looking for a cheap double baby stroller, it’s inevitable you’ll need to make some sacrifices. In the case of the Joovy Scooter X2, this is principally its inability to cope well with rougher terrain. Luckily, for many mothers that’s a complete non-issue. And if you do need to off-road occasionally, you can do so with care but the Joovy is best avoided if you spend lots of time on grass, sand or muddy trails.

Although it’s not the most agile stroller, the Joovy is our overall pick for best double stroller on a budget and we can’t knock the price/performance ratio.


What are you waiting for? If this sounds like it fits the bill for you and your twins, check out the Scooter X2 today and you won’t be disappointed.

If you’re looking for the cheapest double baby stroller, the Chicco Echo is a strong contender for the crown without delivering a woeful experience in the quest for a bargain. After all, even if cash it too tight to mention, the last thing you would ever want is to compromise the comfort or safety of your beloved twins.

What is the latest price for this seat?

We realize that having twins is a brutally expensive business with costs doubled all the way along. That’s why we’ve targeted several low-end strollers with upscale performance rather than simply picking the 5 most expensive on the market. As always, though, we won’t be remotely shy in underscoring any deficiencies allowing you to make the best decision based on cold, hard facts and impartiality rather than sponsored reviews singing the praises of all products while glossing over the niggles.

A glimpse at the main features then we’ll look at the good and bad points of this inexpensive double side-by-side stroller…


  • Weight: 34 pounds
  • Dimensions: 33 ½ x 30 ¾ x 41 ½ inches
  • Maximum Recommended Weight: 40 pounds
  • Age Range: 3 years old and below
  • Brake: 3-pedal foot brake

If you spend lots of time in open-toed shoes and you want streamlined brakes designed with this in mind, move on. You’ll need to press 3 pedals to engage the brakes on this stroller and, while you can just about do this wearing flip-flops, you’d be well advised to stick to more rugged footwear and to consider an alternative model if you don’t like the idea of playing around like this just to come to a halt.

Maneuverability is another key area where the Chicco Echo underdelivers. You’ll meet a degree of resistance even on smoother surfaces and the double-wheeled design, although surprisingly common, is inefficient and causes you to routinely bump into things on the move. Although you might struggle a little to stay on course when you’re rolling over paved surfaces, hit the grass or mud and you’ll actually gain a little traction and stability making the going smoother even though the terrain is rougher.

Overall stability could be improved and you might feel as though the stroller would take a tumble with too much weight on the back.

So… Having said all this, why on earth should you consider buying this stroller aside from the super-low price tag?

Well, the Echo does have plenty to offer any parents of twins operating on a tighter budget.

Even though it might not be the biggest, the canopy offers plenty of latitude when it comes to independent positioning. There’s no viewing window which is a slight snag but the scaled-down size means you can see in without much interference.

The fabric manages to be both hard-wearing and comfortable for your babies at the same time while initial assembly is swift and straightforward. Another winning combination, this stroller is lightweight while also remarkably rugged, quite some achievement in this price band.

Storage, we must admit, is poor. You’ll find it tough to even house a large diaper bag for your twins much less carry anything else besides. As an added downer, you’ll get no extra pockets either so you’ll be pretty much committed to carrying an extra bag rather than stashing your supplies all on board.

The height settings and shoulder straps on the safety harness can be manipulated but the crotch support cannot. This is fairly standard on double strollers so no real cause for concern. The buckles are less than ideal but the harness performs its role sufficiently as to raise no safety issues.

To finish on a strong note, the fabric is taut and stitched strongly while it’s also easy to clean. Wheels are large and robust and the handlebar is padded enough for comfort without compromising lifespan.

Take a look at an honest appraisal of the pros and cons before checking out our verdict…

  • One of the cheapest double baby strollers that doesn’t completely stiff you on the performance front
  • Incredibly easy to transport and remarkably lightweight for a double stroller
  • Individually zip the canopies to tailor shade or wind protection to suit each of your twins
  • Leg rests can also be moved independently and give you plenty of scope for positioning
  • Overall build quality is reasonably robust considering the keen price-point
  • Sub-par storage so if you tend to go out fully laden, you might want to rethink and look at one of the other models we road-tested
  • While nicely customizable, the canopy is pretty small and doesn’t work well for tinier charges, and there’s no peek-a-boo window either
  • Recline is not as deep as much of the competition


As long as you’re aware of the downsides of this cheap double baby stroller going in, you can get a great bargain while still getting much of the functionality of much more expensive side-by-side prams.

If you’re honest about your needs and you take all of the minor disadvantages into consideration, we’d strongly suggest giving the Echo a chance. None of the downsides are in their own right enough to blow the deal and the overall value set against performance and lifespan means this pram fully deserves its place among the 5 best double side-by-side strollers in a crowded marketplace.

As we near the end of out best double baby stroller reviews, we’ve got a solid if flawed gem from Delta, the Children LX. You can wheel your beloved twins side-by-side and you’ll get a light and very agile stroller tailor-made for bust city streets.

What is the latest price for this seat?

Delta has been in the trade since the late 60s and you’ll get the full weight of this expertise without needing to handle excess weight with the stroller.

Check out the main features before we double down on the good points and negatives of this double stroller…


  • Weight: 18 ½ pounds
  • Dimensions: 17 x 11 ½ x 42 inches
  • Maximum Recommended Weight: 55 pounds
  • Age Range: 3 months and above
  • Brake: Double-action foot brake

You’ll only find a single stroller in this segment that comes in lighter than the Delta and if a lightweight unit is your driving priority, we’d urge you to focus on whether this might be the best choice for you and your twins while congratulating yourself on finding an incredible bargain.

The manufacturer claims this stroller auto-locks after folding which is simply not the case. You’ll need to engage a manual lock after unlocking the tab with your foot and then using the handles to break down the pram. Aside from a problematic locking mechanism, this stroller is otherwise easy enough to fold so we’ve got no serious gripe here.

Brakes are unwieldy and you’d certainly be well advised not to attempt using them when you’re wearing sandals or you’re highly likely to end up scraping your feet. You need to depress a pair of pedals so make sure you always do this or you’ll compromise safety.

Without the regulation under-seat storage bin you’ll find on most strollers, you’ll gain by the amount of weight this saves. Pockets on the rear of the frame and canopies give you room to stash the bare essentials but be under no illusion you can go out heavy-handed on the supply front unless you’re prepared to carry an extra bag. It’s a trade-off here between stripping that weight down and giving you enough storage space and we’d argue Delta could have done better here.

The canopy could most certainly be improved, too. The pair of canopies do have some play, but you don’t get enough protection if you know you’ll be spending lots of time in fierce sun or blustery wind and rain. If you live somewhere with a more temperate climate, though, you shouldn’t run into any problems. The absence of a viewing window is no big deal since the size of the canopies let you see in without a problem anyway.

The harness hits all safety spots fully and you can remove the shoulder pads if you want to accommodate really small babies before using the double buckles to make further adjustments.

Although you won’t get leg rests, there’s some fabric in place set across the frames so you little ones can get themselves more comfortable. Reclining the seat is not the easiest job in the world but it goes back well enough once you become accustomed to the adjustment procedure.

With 6 wheels in total, you might struggle to stay on a true course since the wheels have a tendency to wander. Light is by no means always better when it comes to maneuverability either but overall the Delta is nimble enough as long as you don’t put too many demands on it. Flat and even surfaces give you the best experience while trundling on grass or mud can create problems so think about how you’re most likely to use your stroller and bear this deficiency in mind.

Despite a good number of weak areas, the Delta has more than enough in the plus column for us to include it with confidence in our collection of the very best baby strollers for twins.

  • An almost unbelievably cheap double side-by-side stroller that manages to perform amazingly well
  • Very small footprint makes this umbrella stroller child’s play to lift, carry and store away when not in use and it fits in the trunk of small cars fuss-free
  • Pockets for storage save space even if you do dip out slightly on capacity
  • Assembly couldn’t be quicker or easier with no tools required
  • Quite hard to get to grips with and use initially
  • You won’t get the build quality, lifespan or attention to detail you’ll find on more expensive strollers but that’s to be expected
  • Folding and unfolding takes considerable effort so think twice if you’re regularly pressed for time and don’t like fiddling around with your stroller


As with any cheap baby stroller, you’ll need to accept some compromises if you want to get a bargain. We’ve drawn your attention to all shortcomings with the Delta but we still stand behind this pram as a great way to get a fitting carriage for your twin without overcommitting yourself financially.

The only serious flashpoint is the undersized canopy so think carefully about the climate where you live and how much of an issue this lack of protection presents to you. As long as this is not a concern and you’re happy with the other areas where the Delta could be improved, you’ll get a cheap, no-nonsense umbrella stroller ideal for giving your twins a comfy ride while they remain safe and sound inside.

Rounding out our double side-by-side stroller reviews, we’ve got another pocket-friendly model, this time a jogger from Baby Trend, a company with a quarter-century in the business and the expertise you’d expect after that time in the saddle.

What is the latest price for this seat?

While this pram won’t cut the ice for serious athletes, if you like to stay fit and active and enjoy running gently or power-walking, you’ll get a highly flexible and mobile stroller comfortable on most surfaces from a brand you can trust.


  • Weight: 43 pounds
  • Dimensions: 46 x 32 ½ x 43 inches
  • Maximum Recommended Weight: 55 pounds
  • Age Range: 36 months and below
  • Brake: Double-action foot brake

If you’re looking for a stroller that will cope with your morning run, we’ve got something affordable and capable for you in our last double baby stroller review for today. The Baby Trend Navigator offers a cushioned and comfortable ride for your twins in a heavyweight but easily maneuverable form.


The trigger-action folding mechanism involves 3 steps and a manual lock. Your stroller will self-stand and the whole process can be carried out quickly and easily. It’s a great deal less fiddly than much of the competition and the attention to detail here is welcome and unexpected at this price-point.

Each seat gets its own dedicated canopy and you’ll be able to move it forward to block out the sun, wind and rain keeping your precious babies insulated from the elements but we were unimpressed with the overall dimensions. There seems no excuse for manufacturers cutting corners here and you won’t get full to-the-knee coverage so make sure you think about this in advance and don’t proceed with purchasing this stroller unless it doesn’t presents a problem.

Although the safety harness is very easy to get on, it’s a little more problematic to remove. We must admit there are very few brands that make things easy here and the good news is that the five-point harnesses will keep your babies safely in place which is really all that counts here.

The seats can be adjusted independently so you can give each of your twins a customized ride. They do both recline backward but by no means flat enough for sleeping. Even for napping, they’re a little too upright for comfort but if you plan to take your babies out when you’re running, it’s not too likely they’ll sleep anyway. When you need to run in a straight line, the front wheel locks into place. When you want to switch gears and you need a little more maneuverability, the wheel swivels to accommodate this.

You can slot in a car seat for each of your twins and compatibility extends to most of the main brands.

Setting up this stroller is certainly not the most straightforward of jobs. Assembly takes at least 15 minutes and you will need some basic tools (a Philips screwdriver and wrench) unlike most of the tool-free competition. To salt the wound, the manual is extremely poor so if you don’t fancy the idea of struggling through this ordeal, we’d advise you either call in some assistance or consider one of the other strollers we reviewed.

We’ll walk you through the pros and cons of this double jogger stroller before rounding out for the day and wishing you a happy holiday!

  • Compatible with most brands of car seats so you’ll get plenty of freedom of choice at a price you’ll love
  • Bike-style tires ensure your twins get a perfectly cushioned ride while you’ll find the stroller a dream to navigate
  • Outstanding storage so you’ll be able to store all the diapers you need along with much, much more
  • Nice, simple reclining mechanism saving you time and helping your little ones to ease toward sleep even while you’re on the move
  • Front wheel swivels when you need it and locks into place when you need to steer a straight course giving you the best of both worlds
  • Particularly bulky stroller so give this model a swerve if you find it awkward lifting or carrying heavier weights
  • You get plenty of options for car seats but the attachment itself is weak and something of a let-down


Undeniably heavy but easy to maneuver, you’ll get ample storage even if you go out with a fair amount of equipment with this top-notch and inexpensive side-by-side double stroller. With a roomy canopy, cushioned ride and build quality to ensure you won’t be hustling out to buy a replacement after 6 months, this stroller is a close contender for the crown of best cheap baby stroller for twins.

Check out this pram if you want performance on a budget from a brand you can rely on. We promise you won’t look back!

Final Word

We very much hope these double stroller reviews have given you an insight into the great prams available if you have twins to consider and a sound idea of which would work best for you.

We tried to include a few cheaper options so there’s something for everyone but we were very careful not to focus on price at the expense of quality.

Check out our detailed buying guide on the various types of stroller at your disposal, whether you have one kid to think about or several. If you don’t like the thought of side-by-side strollers, come back next week when we’ll give you a glimpse of some other variants ideally suited to carrying twins or triplets!

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